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Keeping & Creating SMART Goals


So. This year you might have come up with a goal. Maybe you want to want to wake up at 7:00 instead of 7:30. Maybe you want to get your chores done earlier. Maybe you want to start journaling. Creating goals is fun & easy! The hard part- keeping them. 

Today, we are going to be creating goals that are smart so that we can keep them! We wat goals we can keep!

Lets talk SMART goals. You might have been wondering WHY the title of SMART in all-caps. SMART is a word you can use when creating your goals. Each letter stands for something. Let's look at how to make SMART goals:

Specific: Is my goal Specific? 

Setting specific goals is key - but what does it actually mean? Take a look at these goals. Which of them look more promising?

1. I want to do more fitness

2. I want to run for fifth-teen minutes every day

Number two of course! The problem with number 1 is it's not specific. How do I want to get stronger? How will I get stronger? Number two answers the question! You will run for 15 min. every day to gain stronger legs!

Measurable: Is my goal Measurable?

Can you measure the goal you made? How will you do it? Let's say your goal is to exercise more. how would you tract it?

A. In my mind- I don't forget things

B. On paper. I LOVE making the tracker stuff!

PLESE answer B. If you try to keep your goals in your mind you might overthink it.

Attainable: Is my goal Attainable?

This one is important too! You won't be able to change your life in one session. It takes time! Look at these examples. Which girl seems more reasonable?

Girl A: "Since I ran for 15 minutes today, I think I will sign up for the 10k.

Girl B: A 10k? Maybe in a few months, but for now I'll do the 5K.

Girl A probably thought she would be MUCH faster already, but girl B made an attainable goal. 

Realistic: Is my goal Realistic?

Okay. So how strong are you? Do you think you could do 100 pushups EVERYDAY? If you said yes, you might be able to do 100 pushups the first day but after a few days, your energy would be drained. 

Emma: How about 5 pushups everyday? If I do 5 each day for a week I will add a sixth.

Emma's goal is realistic. She knows she can't do 50 pushups everyday, but she is willing to do more than five as time goes on. 

Time-bound: Is my goal Time-bound?

Okay. Let's go back to the pushups. 100 pushups per day. On the first day you might make time to do 50 pushups, but after that, you might start saying, I don't have time for that. I am too busy. True.

Emma: 5 push ups will take only a minute or two. If I add a sixth I will find time. 

Emma has good mindset. She set a SMART goal.

How Emma set a SMART goal:

Specific: I want to do five pushups after school every day

Measurable: I will fill in a box each time I do 5 pushups

Attainable: I will start out with five pushups

Realistic: 5 pushups every day is hard but not too hard

Time-bound: Doing 5 pushups will only take a min. or two 

So. you now know how to se SMART goals, but keeping them? First of all, if your goal is truly-SMART you should be able to keep them, but lets look at a few ideas: 

Planning: Getting a crisp new planner in February is fun, but can be hard. Even if you have a new planner, it can still be used. If not, you can make one. Find an eBook about that (Like a entire magazine about one thing!) Here. Each time you complete a goal mark it in your planner!

Friend: Your BFF can be helpful with keeping goals! Your friend can ask you things like "Were you able to run this week? How did it go? Moments like that can keep you goin!

Now Lets See GOALS in Action!

That was SO fun! I hope you enjoyed setting SMART goals!

See you next time!


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