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Showing posts with the label Sadie

I made an UNO deck (Short)


Verse memory Games & Ideas

Verse memory Games & Ideas I Get it. Sometimes Bible memory can be tough, but today, I am bringing to you a few ideas for making Bible memory more fun and some ideas for giving your practice some variety. I think practicing Bible memory with variety is really important. I know, that it helps me have it memorized for good instead of a short period when I practice with Variety. Lets keep this stress-free and let the Bible memory begin!!!  Idea 1: Say the verse I think this is what a lot of us do when we want to memorize a verse. Actually, this is what I always like to start with.  Idea 2: Sing the verse This one is a really fun method and if you can memorize the song, you have the verse memorized! Try different tunes like Twinkle Twinkle little star until you find what works.  Idea 3: Snap on each word said Have you ever tried memorizing a clap? If you have, you may have noticed that they are really easy to memorize. You can use this same method with verses too!  Idea 4: Write the v

Sugar cookie video


Tips for Organizing your life (Pt. 2)

  Tips for Organizing your life (Pt. 2) Lets look at some ideas and tips for organizing your room, school area, art stuff, and toys. Even of you aren't good at organizing, this post will hopefully give you some inspiration.   - Organize Your Room Your room is probably  the hardest area to keep clean (Especially if you have younger siblings). Lets hear what Lily has to say about this! Lily has found that it helps her to spread out cleaning and organizing throughout the week. This is a strategy you might be able to try out. First grab a sheet of paper. Then draw a calendar type of drawing in the middle of the sheet. This can be your Keep My Room clean Calendar .  Something else to try: If you are the type of person that keeps a planner, you might like to consider making or printing a whole planner that includes more detail than the calendar idea.  Just remember to keep it simple. I will be MUCH easier to keep it organized if it is simple.  - Organize Your Toys Actually, keeping thin

Tips for Organizing your life

       Tips for Organizing your life Life is busy. You might have a lot of things in your life right now and sometimes you might feel overwhelmed with all the things you need to do! If you are, you have come to the right place! Lets start organizing!  Tip 1: Think as life as it actually is I find this tip helpful in many areas of life. I even find that it is easier to keep your habits if you think yourself as you are. If you try to make huge goals with no experience you might not keep up that goal! Same I find with organizing! If I try to organize butifully it won't stay I well! I have to keep it simple Tip 2: Make priorities This is really helpful if you want to do a lot. For example, I write a magazine. When I e-mailed the magazine, I could use as many words and photos as I wanted. Then I wanted to print it. I had to prioritize the articles we loved best to fit everything into 8 pages.  Prioritize what you want to do most. - Ways to organize your life There are a lot of ways to d