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Showing posts with the label Sadie

DIY Butterfly notebook + FREE Cover printable

Today, I will be showing you how to make a butterfly notebook (or any notebook). Here are the supplies you will need: Notebook (Composition works well) Glue or glue gun Printable (In this post) The steps to this craft is very easy. Here they are: Step 1: Print This page for the cover of your notebook:  Step 2: Glue it with a glue gun to the cover of your journal.  Step 3: Enjoy or use your journal! 

Fun ways to decorate for Christmas

  I cannot believe we are already in the Holiday season! In this post, I will be sharing with you some fun ways to decorate your room, desk, and other places.  Some of these things will be DIY, and some can just be used as inspiration.   Let's start the Holiday Décor Cheer!  In Your Room Let's start in your room. Have you been thinking what can I do to decorate my room when all I have is a few decorations and a mini tree?   There are lots of DIY ideas for that! Be creative! If you're looking for a fun candle holder or just something to decorate a pencil jar, check out Lily's video (Episode 1!) on this here.   These  paper bag stars  are such a fun way to decorate your bedrooms walls! You can even paint the bags different colors or use  glow in the dark paint  for a fun night view.  I love this craft partly because it is so easy to make! One of my first ever blogposts ( Find the post here ) was this craft. (We're looking at the craft- not the post quality *Embarrassi

Christmas Bible Reading Calendar

Looking for a fun Christmas Bible reading plan? Check out this Christmas bible reading advent calendar! You can print it out and read more of the Christmas story each day till Christmas! The already planned schedule and non-overwhelming Verses to read, this plan can help you dive deeper into the Christmas story!   Click here to access the PDF: 

Friends Christmas movie

DIY Hot Cocoa Bombs

Hot Cocoa Bombs are such a fun experience! Dropping the ball into milk, the marshmallows, then you stir it in and then you have a butifully drink. I actually think that hot chocolate is better than the packets. (But that's just me).  Today I am going to show you how you can create to sell or even just eat by yourself, hot cocoa bombs. I am so exited!  Ingredients: - Chocolate almond bark (Melted) - Hot cocoa mix - mini marshmallows - Peppermint sprinkles  _______________________________________________ - Pastry brush - Hot plate - Bomb mold ______________________________________________ Instructions:   Paint the inside of the molds with the chocolate.  Cool until hard.   Add a spoonful of Powder, and a handful of mini   marshmallows to one half of the mold.  Heat one half on the hot plate.  Connect to the other half.  Cool and enjoy!

DIY Unicorn Cake

  Today we are making a SUPER-FUN unicorn cake. This cake is so magical and it's super easy to make!  This was actually my 4th homade cake, and it tuned out perfectly! I think if you're a complete beginner you will be able to make this!  For this recipe you can use a box cake mix or a from scratch cake. I made a cake recipe for this. Let's get on to the cake! You will need: 2 cups all purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder ⅛ teaspoon salt 1 stick (4 ounces) salted butter, at room temperature ¼ cup solid vegetable shortening 1 ½ cups sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract ¼ teaspoons almond extract 5 large egg whites ¾ cup whole milk ¼ cup rainbow sprinkles ____________________________________________________ 2 Sticks of butter,  softened 6-8 cups powdered sugar 1 tsp. Salt 2 tsp. Vanilla ____________________________________________________ Pink, yellow, purple, yellow, black food dye Ice cream cone White chocolate candy melts Gold sanding sugar _________________________________

Thanksgiving Challenge: Day 5

  Welcome to the last Day of the Thanksgiving Bible Reading Challenge! I really hope you have enjoyed it.  Did you have a nice Thanksgiving yesterday? Tell me about it in the comments! I sure had a great one! Todays passage: Philippian's 4:11-14 11  I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.   12  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.   13  I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Think about: 1. In how many circumstances has Paul learned to be content?  2. In what circumstances should YOU be content? Do you have trouble being content? Well here is an idea, to help you if that's something you need to work on.  Keep a gratitude journal. Each day you can think about the things you HAVE instead of what you Don't have. Doing this exercise c

Thanksgiving Challenge: Day 4

  Happy Thanksgiving Everybody! I hope this Challenge has been an encouragement to you as much as it has to me! I hope you have enjoyed spending time in Gods word and focusing on being Grateful.  Well . . . Today's the day! Thanksgiving! (If you are reading this the day this was posted, Hooray for you!). Well, today we have another passage to read! If you want to print this challenge for future use, you can find the printable  here  . Todays passage: Psalm 107:1-3 Give thanks to the  Lord , for he is good;      his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the  Lord  tell their story—      those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands,      from east and west, from north and south. [ a ] Think about: (Answer in the comments) 1. Why are two things to be thankful for? 2. What is an attribute ore something God has done that YOU are thankful for? Well, that's today's challenge! Tell me in the comments if I should make more Bible challenges like th

Thanksgiving leftover recipes *3 Recipes!!!

Turkey Sandwich You will need: - Turkey - Bread - Cranberry sauce - lettuce Instructions: 1. Layer your Turkey, Sauce, and Lettuce on top of your bread. 2. Enjoy! Pumpkin pie milkshake You will need: - 1 slice pumpkin pie - Ice cream - Vanilla Instructions:  1. Blend all the ingredients together in the blender. 2. Enjoy! Turkey  Quesadillas You will need: - Tortilla (2) - Beans - Corn - Cheese Instructions: 1. Place the tortilla on the stove. Add the beans corn and cheese. 2. Flip the tortilla when it is slightly golden brown. 3. Cool and enjoy!

Thanksgiving Challenge: Day 3

Welcome to day 3 of the Destination Creation Thanksgiving Bible reading challenge! In case you haven't herd already, we have had a Bible reading challenge going on this week. You can fin the details in  this  post. Today we are going to read Psalm 103! Today's passage: Psalm 103:20-23 Praise the  Lord , you his angels,      you mighty ones who do his bidding,      who obey his word. 21  Praise the  Lord , all his heavenly hosts,      you his servants who do his will. 22  Praise the  Lord , all his works      everywhere in his dominion. Think about: (I would love to hear your answers in the comments!) 1. What can we Parise God for? 2. Name 3 things you're thankful for Well, that is today's post- another question I would love answered in the comments: What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Remember there are so many things we can praise God for. Everything we can be thankful for will trace us back to God! He is the one to whom we give our praise! See you tomorrow!  Happ

Thanksgiving Challenge: Day 2

  Welcome to Day 2 of the Destination Creation Bible reading challenge! I hope you enjoyed yesterday's post, but today we have another passage along with some more thinking questions!  If you want to print this list or look ahead to tomorrow reading you can check out  this post .  Today's passage:  Psalm 136:1–3 Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good.     His love endures forever Give thanks to the God of Gods.     His love endures forever Give thanks to the Lord of lords.     His love endures forever Think about  (I would love for you to answer in the comments -if you want to!) : 1. Who are we to praise? 2. Why? (HINT: The phrase is repeated 3 times!) That's it for today! See you in tomorrows post!

Thanksgiving Challenge: Day one

  Welcome to Day 1 of The Thanksgiving Bible Reading Challenge! In case you missed it,  this post  included a fun Thanksgiving Bible reading challenge! Let's look at today's reading! Monday, November 20 Today's passage: Psalm 100 Shout for joy to the  Lord , all the earth. 2       Worship the  Lord  with gladness;      come before him with joyful songs. 3  Know that the  Lord  is God.      It is he who made us, and we are his [ a ] ;      we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4  Enter his gates with thanksgiving      and his courts with praise;      give thanks to him and praise his name. 5  For the  Lord  is good and his love endures forever;      his faithfulness continues through all generations Think about (I would love for you to answer in the comments -if you want to!):  What are 3 commands in Psalm 100? What are some reasons we praise God according to this passage? That's it for today's reading challenge! I hope to see you again tomorrow with another B

Destination Creation Holiday Special's

  Love anything you saw in that photo? You can get it! Click  HERE  to order any of these things. Here are our special Black Friday Discounts! FOOD DISCOUNTS: POPCORN . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $30  New Price: $20 MARSHMALLOW . . . . . . $ 25   New Price: $15 POPCORN/MARSHMALLOW BUNDLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45    New Price: $30 STCIKER DISCOUNTS: CAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $3.50  New Price: $2.50 PLANNER . . . . . . . . . . .  $8.00   New Price: $4.00 NEW! CHRISTMAS . . . $12.00  New Price: $4.00 OTHER DISCOUNTS:  COASTER SET . . . . . . $4.00  New Price: $3.00 PRINTABLE PACK . . $3.00 New Price: $0.25  Get any of these Sales through 11/25/23 with the code HOLIDAY Make your order Today!  Find more things to buy for gifts, or even for you  HERE  !!! Share the WOW DEALS by clicking the Share or email button at the bottom of this post! Have a happy Holiday season! Destination Creation Team   

Chocolate Chip Cookies

You're invited! Half Mile Lake craft fair


DIY Sketchbook or planner

  Looking for A super fun idea to do sometime? If so, maybe you could give this craft a try.  I really enjoyed making my (Planner) Online. I designed the cover using Maria Elizabeth's Characters online. The final product was SO GOOD! Today I will be showing you How I did it! What you need: - 1 Piece of cardboard  - Tape - Background color paper (I choose Tan) - Art (Digital or printed) - Paper (25-50 Sheets) - Stapler  Lets get Started! 1. Design your cover. I did mine digitally. You could also draw yours with pens or markers.  2. Next, staple your paper to your cardboard. If the paper is too thick and the staples won't stay in, try using glue instead.  3. Glue the solid background paper to the cardboard.  4. Tape the picture to the Cardboard. I covered my entire surface with Packing tape.    Now you're DONE!! Here are a few of my Planner Pics.