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How to make cleaning more fun


(Yes. you did read the title correctly). Hey girls! Sadie here! I am actually exited to share with you some ways I have found that makes cleaning and chores WAY more exiting. Its like this. Do you ever feel that work is just the same old thing OVER and OVER again, and that it's NEVER exiting. I know how you feel! I used to Hate cleaning the kitchen. (Well, sometimes I still do). With the help of some podcasts, that made the cleaning up TONS more fun! Now I look forward to listening to the new podcast episode While I clean. 

Well, with out MORE introduction, let's make this . . . .fun!

1. Listen to something while you clean

This is my go to! I almost always listen to something while I clean. Usually its a podcast, but I also love listening to music too. (Listening to Star Wars music gets me exited!). I think listening to something can actually give your mind something fun to think about. 

There are some Go-to podcast I listen too. First up is one of my all time fav's WOW in the World. It's a silly and entertaining science podcast for kids and family. They talk about NEW technology and science discovery. If you LOVE Science, head to ! That's not it though! They have Two What's and a WOW, which is a game show. They have We WOW on the weekend with a character named Denis. They also have How earthling and Who How When. 

I also LOVE Million Bazillion. If you want some money ed this is the thing to listen too! You can send in ANY question YOU have about money and they just might answer it in a funny way! All the episodes are SO entertaining and something I think you will LOVE! So, If you want to know why girls things are more expensive then boys things or what the stock market is, head to to listen for free!

A few other podcasts I like (That I think you would too) are Smash Boom Best, and whose amazing life. Smash boom best is a debate podcast that is funny. Whose amazing life tells the story of famous people where you get to be that person and experience their challenges and you try to guess who they are before the end.  

2. Make it a game

There are a lot of games you can play that will make cleaning more fun. Games can also help you clean faster  since there is competition. Let's look at some of my favorites!

Color Dash

Set a timer for 2 minutes to begin. Before hitting START on the timer pick a color. Then once the START is clicked, everyone rushes through the house an picks up things off the floor that are that color. The person with the most items wins. Each person puts away those items before the next round. 

Cleaning trick shots

This one is fun to! Incorporating a throw or kick can really add a ton of fun! This one fun to do with your siblings. Try things like throwing (unbreakable toys) toys into the bins where they go. Dusting quickly is fun to do too. Just make sure that the work is done with quality!

3. Make a checklist

Actually being able to check things off is fun! It makes you feel like you have accomplished something it that great! You can make this into a craft and make it dry-erase or you can just use notebook paper and your favorite gel pen. If you want to you could decorate your chore chart to make it more fun and attractive. Using tapes, markers, paints and more can also get you exited for your next cleaning job. 

Here is an idea on how you could make one of these things:

1. Open Canva. Search in the templates section "Cleaning".

2. You can customize this as much as you want. You can add pictures too!

3. Print it and slide it inside of a paper protector

4. You can write and check things off with a dry-erase marker and wipe it right off when you are done!

Well! that is the end of this post! I hope you liked it! I would love it if you Shared your fav idea in the comments!



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