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How to make a brand kit for your biz


So. The last post about online "Stuff" was SO fun. (If you didn't see it you can check it out here). You guys enjoyed it SO much I got requests to do more posts like that one! Well, this is what I LOVE to do, so here you go!

In this post, we are going to create a brand kit. You can use this for your blog/website/biz. Before we create our brand kit, lets go through the WOW model. Jaquie Naunton from White Deer Graphic Design made this, and I think its helpful. 

This model is supposed to help you with your design. White Deer has a video about this so I recommend watching that before you read this. Here is the link. 

Now you might be wondering. WHAT is a brand kit?

My simple answer is something for your biz that includes fonts, images, graphics, colors logos, voice. Canva has a GREAT tool for creating your brand kit. (learn more about Canva in this post). Their brand kits help you organize your brand stuff so you can easily access it. 

The next question you might ask is WHY do I need a brand kit?

A brand Kit will help your brand be consistent - and need to be consistent. 

Create your brand kit!

Now it's time to make a brand kit. Today I am going to make a brand kit for a TOTALLY made-up biz, and maybe you will get some ideas or inspo?

First this biz is going to be called Emma's Stop Motion

Let's make Emma a logo first. 

First of all your logo should be simple. Your logo does not tell everything your biz does. If you have a craft and recipes biz, you don't need baking AND art supplies on your logo. You want a logo that can be put in large and small places which means, it can be written tall, and wide. 

Here are the logos I designed for Emma's Stop Motion:

Emma has a logo that is a graphic, a logo that is just font, a wide logo, and a full logo. That means, she can post her logo on anything! In the corner of a social media post, ad, or a watermark. This one's a win!

Brand Colors:

Brand colors are fun to find too, but first lets look at Emma's originality, which one word she included was "COOL". Search cool color pallets into Pinterest, or google. 

This was an idea. It's not perfect, but it can be adjusted.

After Emma made this color pallet, she can play around with it and tweak things until she likes it. Here is one thing that was tried:

After making this, It was decided Emma's stop motion needed a lighter color, thus the light blue was added!

Brand Fonts:

Fonts are fun too! Try doing a heading, a subheading, and a text font. Here is an example:

This is fun to do! You can even use the same fonts, but one is bold, one is ALL CAPS and one is regular. For these I started with the logo fonts and then added some.  

Brand graphics:

This is the last category we are going to be doing today! Think about your biz. What graphics will you need? Emma likes castles and medieval times, so she is going to have a castle. Here are Emma's graphics.

Well, I hope that was fun! 



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