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NEW Blog By LILY!!!

Have you ever felt that theirs NEVER enough on Destination Creation? Introducing . . . . Darling Vintage Katherine Find the link here ! and enjoy!  

Trying Viral candy recipes with Presley


How to make cleaning more fun

  (Yes. you did read the title correctly). Hey girls! Sadie here! I am actually exited to share with you some ways I have found that makes cleaning and chores WAY more exiting. Its like this. Do you ever feel that work is just the same old thing OVER and OVER again, and that it's NEVER exiting. I know how you feel! I used to Hate cleaning the kitchen. (Well, sometimes I still do). With the help of some podcasts, that made the cleaning up TONS more fun! Now I look forward to listening to the new podcast episode While I clean.  Well, with out MORE introduction, let's make this . . . .fun! 1. Listen to something while you clean This is my go to! I almost always listen to something while I clean. Usually its a podcast, but I also love listening to music too. (Listening to Star Wars music gets me exited!). I think listening to something can actually give your mind something fun to think about.  There are some Go-to podcast I listen too. First up is one of my all time fav's WO

How to make a brand kit for your biz

  So. The last post about online "Stuff" was SO fun. (If you didn't see it you can check it out here ). You guys enjoyed it SO much I got requests to do more posts like that one! Well, this is what I LOVE to do, so here you go! In this post, we are going to create a brand kit. You can use this for your blog/website/biz. Before we create our brand kit, lets go through the WOW model. Jaquie Naunton from White Deer Graphic Design made this, and I think its helpful.  This model is supposed to help you with your design. White Deer has a video about this so I recommend watching that before you read this. Here is the link.  Now you might be wondering. WHAT is a brand kit? My simple answer is something for your biz that includes fonts, images, graphics, colors logos, voice. Canva has a GREAT tool for creating your brand kit. (learn more about Canva in this post). Their brand kits help you organize your brand stuff so you can easily access it.  The next question you might ask

How to start your own blog/website

Hey Girls! I hope you are having a GREAT day (also happy Valentines Day)! Well, I hope you are exited for today's post because today were talking about websites and blogs and videos and that kind of stuff! Today I will just be sharing the basics, but if you want more posts like this, share that in the comments. Now, let's start . . . starting . . whatever this is? 1. Choose what you blog/website is going to be about This is an important first step. Try to find soothing about yourself that is original (if possible). Your specialty could be old-fashioned recipes or stop-motion. Choose what you like and what you want to tell others about.  Q. What if there is already a blog/website under my topic already?  A. That's okay! You can make yours unique in your branding or the name! 2. Choose a name for your blog/website Okay. So let's go back to the first step. Remember the ideas? (Stop motion anybody?) Say your name is . . Emma (hope I am not spooking you out if your name is E

Keeping & Creating SMART Goals

  So. This year you might have come up with a goal. Maybe you want to want to wake up at 7:00 instead of 7:30. Maybe you want to get your chores done earlier. Maybe you want to start journaling. Creating goals is fun & easy! The hard part- keeping them.  Today, we are going to be creating goals that are smart so that we can keep them! We wat goals we can keep! Lets talk SMART goals. You might have been wondering WHY the title of SMART in all-caps. SMART is a word you can use when creating your goals. Each letter stands for something. Let's look at how to make SMART goals: S pecific: Is my goal S pecific?  Setting specific goals is key - but what does it actually mean? Take a look at these goals. Which of them look more promising? 1. I want to do more fitness 2. I want to run for fifth-teen minutes every day Number two of course! The problem with number 1 is it's not specific. How do I want to get stronger? How will I get stronger? Number two answers the question! You will r

We have eBooks (and there FREE)

  Destination Creation just launched their first FREE eBook.  To make your day EVEN better. . . I am going to say . . They cost NO$$$$! Get our first EVER free eBook  DIY plan this ! Not enough? Subscribe here to get notifications when NEW eBooks come out!

Podcast: Capture the flag VS Soccer


5 Food Theme Valentines Day Cards

Yep. It's card season. I can't believe January is ALL OVER! Well, its time to make one of my favorite seasons - card season! Today, we are not just making any cards, were making FOOD cards.  Food cards are fun. You can make up puns, like Donut for get I Love you . You can do so many different variations!  Well, today I am going to be sharing some ideas using food that I made and that other people made.  What we will be covering in this post: Supplies Food puns Gumball machine card Rainbow card  Donut card Drink Card Starburst Card Well, we have ALOT to do. Lets get going! Card Supplies: First up, Supplies. What supplies do you need to make cards? Well, the simple answer is paper and a pencil, but you can use TONS of other things! Things like glitter, candy, pencils, treats, crayons, ribbon, papers all work well.  Lets look at my go-to card supplies: Sadie's   go-to card supplies:   - Scrapbook paper - Colored paper - Markers - Gel pens - Stickers Now lets look at some int

DIY Stickers (EASY & CHEAP)


Art things to do when your bored #2

  Need something  FUN to do? Well . . . I am going to assume  that if you are checking this out, you MIGHT. . need something to do. You might want something creative to start doing. You might want to make something cool. Mabye . . . . . .Your looking for a straight-out time filler. Well, I want you to know if THATS you, you have come to the right place. Fear those hated moments no more! Art ideas, baking ideas, and just plain fun STUFF is what this is made up of. (We want fun here girls!) Without more procrastination  . . . . Lets GO! 1. Design a Planner Okay. Let me say, this one is SO good because while your creating  a planner, you MIGHT . . .Remember something  fun, or come up with a SUPER cool idea to entertain yourself. If you want to learn how to make one of these digitally, check this video out. I'll show you how to make one for FREE! (PS, I have another did you catch it ? Find an ME character in it. *comment when you see it! 2. Customize your computer, phone, EX This is l

Creating a mood board

  Creating a Mood Board With Lily What is a Mood Board? Mood boards are a collage of images, videos, fonts and colors . They're used to communicate a visual direction, reflect a style or convey a mood. A lot of creative industries use them to communicate various things including: Conceptualization: Visualize and explore creative ideas. What’s importance about a Mood Board ? Mood boards can serve many purposes, starting with organizing the inspiration around a project. They can be a valuable resource throughout the design project, to help keep the style and aesthetic consistent and on track with a client's goals and expectations . So now we know about what it is lets get into creating it. So first start with a bulletin board . You will need tacks and washi taps for holding the stuff. Then pick the color’s and theme you are going for. Now lets choose colors and pictures from this color theme. Then add post it n

Did you catch it? *ME on Spark


Make an online planner with Canva


FREE Stickers with instructions!


What is Canva and why should you use it?

Have you been looking for an easy-to-use graphic design, art, or writing app? If this describes YOU . . . Look no more! In todays post, I am going to be giving YOU a guide to the best app I ever found *ITS FREE!.  Here is what to expect in this post: - Learn about what Canva is - How to get a Canva account - Why I use Canva and what I use if for - BEST Canva tools - My favorite apps, elements, and fonts With out more introduction . . . . Lets . . GO!!! What is Canva? If I could describe it, I would say its and easier version of Adobe. I have been actually using Adobe lately, but I started out with Canva. It's what got me into graphic design.   Canva is great for beginners. It has Millions of templates, FREE course videos for students, non-profit businesses and more. They have millions of fun fonts, elements, and more! How do I get a Canva account? Getting a Canva account is simple. All you need to do is search "Canva" into google. When "Canva" comes up, click th